Friday, March 06, 2009

Just Keep Swimming....

It’s a motto I have taken to heart. Yes, a silly line from a movie many of us have grown to love, but it has become so much more to me. Dory, the forgetfull one, knew that no matter what you are up against, you just have to keep on swimming….

Lately, I’ve felt a bit like Dory, i.e., lacking real direction in my fitness goals and plans for the future. As you can see from my previous posts, I whole-heartedly dove into working P90X as a way to whip myself back into shape. Unfortunately, I over-exherted myself and was in no way prepared to tackle such a large goal. I became sick from not having sufficient fitness that is necessary to perform those exercises, and ultimately, lost my will to complete the program.

Through some deep inner desire, I have once again begun the process of reaching for my fitness goals. However, this time I am being more realistic in what I can achieve. Once I am able to afford the effort involved, I will take P90X on again, but not until then. When will that be able to take place? I have no idea… and therein lies the wisdom I have gained: Only take upon yourself, that which you can sufficiently perform. Neglecting this simple principle will leave you sick, injured, and even worse, lost of your fitness inspirations.

What I am doing is quite simple, and I am going to continue keeping it simple b/c I wish for it to become a habit I keep for life. One hour each day, I only walk. The other 23 hours of my day are spent watching what I eat and getting the rest my body needs. Doing this simple regiment will enable me to take on more activity as my body slims and tones. Several years of inactivity cannot be reversed in 90 days. It is unrealistic.

When I have lost the weight I deem necessary, I will see where I stand physically then make the necessary steps to increase my activity level. One day, I will own a P90X body. It is a promise I have made to myself, and I will not stop my progress towards that.


Marieke said...

its good to see you blogging again. the program sounds so hard, you really need to prepare. we all know you can do it. take your time and get yourself ready. we cant wait to see all 6 of you very soon!!! this week we should find out about my job...


Ice John's World said...

Weight loss and die are long term works and require consistent works. It's never easy for anybody. However, you will get there eventually as long as you are consistent. Good luck!

Will said...

Here's hoping you make the goals. And when you do, pictures please!!