Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Oh my gosh-konong....Koshkonong?

I had a delightful evening with the chillren tonight. I love being the parent who can get away with letting them watch tv too late, eat cereal for dinner, and stay out till dark-thirty on their bicycles (of course, as long as they stay within hearing range of my voice out the kitchen window). I am stern with homework and such other things, though. They cannot do ANYTHING...snack on ANYTHING...until homework/projects/reading is all done.

Tonight was especially meaningful to me, because their Mum and StepDad were up in MO for his final job interview. He got the job. They are moving. My time I have with my kids living within a 20 minute drive is dwindling more quickly than I had thought. His job will be in south-central MO, in a moderate small town, West Plains. However, with their love of country, they are looking for homes in an even smaller town, just 10 miles past the AR border. Koshkonong.

I am happy for them...although I do feel other very mixed emotions. It will take me time to sort through all that I am thinking about right now. But I surprisingly don't feel bad...I have no knot in my gut(which is a tell-tale sign of danger for me)...and I'm not worried.

For now...I am okay with this. And also for now...I have three precious kids to tuck-in and kiss goodnight.

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